[Fri Aug 26 16:29:30 2016] >Input file: TMA0A125X612M1D.pdb >TM segments: 318-341 MAIDEN score = -9.7843 Below is the ranking list of the residue pairs and their related pseudo-energy (the lower, the better). This includes inter-chain residue pairs. The maximum (least favorable) pairwise energy value has been set to 10. See the MAIDEN software article: Postic,G., Ghouzam,Y. and Gelly,J.C. (2015) Biochimie, 115, 155–161. ----------- ---------------- Calpha pair Empirical energy ----------- ---------------- G322 -A330 0.329066269184428 G318 -A326 0.32156144979463 G333 -N341 0.275725315303504 A321 -G329 0.266441177766828 A326 -A334 0.246626118414087 G329 -L336 0.168255472746113 A334 -Q339 0.135877735655143 S320 -L328 0.13228632691189 G325 -G333 0.127756183958198 A326 -A331 0.0956679916343761 S320 -G329 0.0781009971350779 L336 -N341 0.0737864278646017 I327 -A337 0.0735697547983039 A331 -Q339 0.0730744551220792 A319 -G329 0.0728574719914037 A330 -S338 0.061153406445694 G329 -A337 0.0610331820213137 S320 -I327 0.0511057263698862 A326 -L335 0.0507632188570928 G318 -I323 0.0472048859627447 G329 -S338 0.037816860192212 I324 -G329 0.0317165123503873 G322 -A331 0.0118481325013244 A321 -A330 0.0063819813385706 A319 -I327 0.00468946242533219 I323 -A331 0.00400853766863651 L328 -S338 -0.000898293714496023 I327 -L336 -0.0253987981729491 G325 -A334 -0.0519747438041573 L328 -A337 -0.0534370930531152 I327 -L332 -0.0606743807261303 A331 -N341 -0.0732656149887317 L332 -L340 -0.0732823910812996 A330 -Q339 -0.0755045182466607 L332 -A337 -0.0790350854944268 I327 -L335 -0.0796780738294449 A326 -G333 -0.0895635898645311 A319 -L328 -0.0971095661409658 I323 -L332 -0.100440328707212 I324 -G333 -0.103030358018062 G322 -G329 -0.106405809334976 G318 -I327 -0.122044056625906 I324 -L332 -0.136912708087794 A330 -L335 -0.142760144038128 L335 -N341 -0.155153791322607 A331 -L340 -0.166232953912201 G333 -L340 -0.166269005513143 G325 -L332 -0.166521904079923 G318 -G325 -0.167327059848381 A321 -L328 -0.173526251614584 A330 -A337 -0.174979820398159 A334 -N341 -0.179049119858937 L332 -Q339 -0.187628009611229 A331 -S338 -0.193567634530402 L332 -N341 -0.195096812307879 L328 -L335 -0.196580015465437 G322 -I327 -0.198042316864003 S320 -A326 -0.200870117194883 G333 -Q339 -0.201257290093248 A319 -A326 -0.201961271736461 L328 -A334 -0.203414576082729 S320 -G325 -0.211264797797681 I323 -A330 -0.212275644294102 I323 -G329 -0.21243439771461 G325 -A331 -0.220244859286835 G329 -L335 -0.220825171730585 L328 -L336 -0.222125675780526 G318 -I324 -0.22351797070337 G325 -A330 -0.229652803205441 A331 -A337 -0.230778176412211 I324 -A331 -0.236270812664357 A319 -G325 -0.247542426642193 I327 -G333 -0.247727858469046 G333 -S338 -0.257884176421574 A330 -L336 -0.265909060239074 L332 -S338 -0.285973189419265 A326 -L332 -0.28685151471924 A334 -L340 -0.295473111736828 A331 -L336 -0.302009800259345 A321 -I327 -0.306192644561949 L335 -L340 -0.318514614056223 I327 -A334 -0.323459269001701 I324 -A330 -0.334077728572092 A321 -A326 -0.339373305605998 G322 -L328 -0.341381774061113 I323 -L328 -0.392812462368422 G329 -A334 -0.415228012293224 A319 -I324 -0.42090953278773 L328 -G333 -0.423024771559056