[Mon Aug 29 17:18:15 2016] >Input file: TMD2ASN1M1G.pdb >TM segments: 105-126 MAIDEN score = -0.2287 Below is the ranking list of the residue pairs and their related pseudo-energy (the lower, the better). This includes inter-chain residue pairs. The maximum (least favorable) pairwise energy value has been set to 10. See the MAIDEN software article: Postic,G., Ghouzam,Y. and Gelly,J.C. (2015) Biochimie, 115, 155–161. ----------- ---------------- Calpha pair Empirical energy ----------- ---------------- T110 -F116 0.705750885935885 P118 -R125 0.695730938168902 T106 -F116 0.530974868333046 S109 -L114 0.49407297742829 S109 -A115 0.413565299798677 S109 -F116 0.382053379227449 S120 -R125 0.324895826657845 L107 -C112 0.313715394034928 G119 -A124 0.225923068790497 F105 -F116 0.180976957253767 F105 -A115 0.159754216845386 T106 -D117 0.147007657691223 G119 -L126 0.11130950341704 T106 -P118 0.103447854372497 D117 -L126 0.101374907851974 D117 -I122 0.0892383491129277 T106 -L114 0.0852964764414459 F105 -D117 0.0831694863716104 F116 -R125 0.0821283493664304 I121 -L126 0.0659777265376427 A115 -R125 0.063690457331711 P118 -I123 0.0422985585414746 F105 -L114 0.0280255574039352 F105 -P118 0.0139570394391924 F105 -G113 0.00492411328202103 P118 -L126 0.00416509258674402 D117 -A124 -0.0175742056609214 T106 -G113 -0.021282332735086 F116 -I122 -0.0231599075081661 L107 -D117 -0.0316150088420146 D117 -I123 -0.034150970364163 S109 -D117 -0.0351710028491698 F105 -G119 -0.0429491495280314 L107 -P118 -0.0506953057209834 A108 -A115 -0.0627641609336624 S109 -P118 -0.0661447779575797 T106 -G119 -0.0714211488742905 T110 -A115 -0.0769799200416696 A108 -D117 -0.078675542665928 F116 -L126 -0.124244433561856 L107 -G113 -0.127230703154283 A108 -F116 -0.139681160806907 L107 -F116 -0.14085419478562 A108 -L114 -0.150035863597747 D117 -R125 -0.151578284908426 A111 -D117 -0.156184705931611 L107 -A115 -0.166588835024743 P118 -A124 -0.1666768483655 A111 -F116 -0.167575963564041 T106 -A115 -0.17236108862464 L107 -L114 -0.184143440424538 S120 -L126 -0.188950999618243 T110 -P118 -0.212051840921774 T110 -D117 -0.226185961956774 F105 -A111 -0.267122883965083 F105 -T110 -0.269152635520385 T106 -C112 -0.270872795358252 C112 -D117 -0.290199681073051 G119 -R125 -0.338641708103263 A108 -G113 -0.356517647314545 T106 -A111 -0.375540499508684 F105 -C112 -0.42716605891372