[Mon Aug 29 17:53:33 2016] >Input file: TMQ8BXZ1S4G.pdb >TM segments: A126-138 MAIDEN score = -0.6086 Below is the ranking list of the residue pairs and their related pseudo-energy (the lower, the better). This includes inter-chain residue pairs. The maximum (least favorable) pairwise energy value has been set to 10. See the MAIDEN software article: Postic,G., Ghouzam,Y. and Gelly,J.C. (2015) Biochimie, 115, 155–161. ----------- ---------------- Calpha pair Empirical energy ----------- ---------------- R131A-L136A 0.273260874243638 E127A-V132A 0.210481578142944 S133A-R138A 0.155578258070055 I126A-G134A 0.12039930178926 I126A-R131A 0.108495096856072 F128A-G134A 0.107646210946232 F128A-L136A 0.0800811154635528 A129A-I137A 0.0644365666487938 V132A-R138A 0.0640040811754985 R131A-R138A 0.0593807038166581 H130A-L136A 0.0534667548689445 E127A-G134A 0.0522728820863015 A129A-A135A 0.0482550358563483 H130A-I137A 0.0301828663794765 E127A-S133A 0.00679642797780028 E127A-A135A -0.0300360771343491 A129A-L136A -0.0561139763825604 H130A-A135A -0.0737731781915412 E127A-L136A -0.117166303147929 F128A-A135A -0.133346799818747 I126A-S133A -0.150735616138355 V132A-I137A -0.176692316715478 H130A-R138A -0.186265631225202 F128A-S133A -0.2089296081922 A129A-G134A -0.218191837348487 R131A-I137A -0.288320933960897 I126A-V132A -0.403798551197481