[Fri Aug 26 17:38:22 2016] >Input file: TMQ92PF9M1D.pdb >TM segments: 639-662 MAIDEN score = 1.4192 Below is the ranking list of the residue pairs and their related pseudo-energy (the lower, the better). This includes inter-chain residue pairs. The maximum (least favorable) pairwise energy value has been set to 10. See the MAIDEN software article: Postic,G., Ghouzam,Y. and Gelly,J.C. (2015) Biochimie, 115, 155–161. ----------- ---------------- Calpha pair Empirical energy ----------- ---------------- D644 -I649 0.753062829572237 K656 -F661 0.398788462236088 T647 -E652 0.384101288981579 G648 -D655 0.206950557402921 D644 -P651 0.171487031075101 P650 -D655 0.171313436743181 S643 -P651 0.161694761256921 G648 -I653 0.135203152197223 G646 -E652 0.127611369847965 V642 -P650 0.123765541325585 M654 -F661 0.115476156047173 G646 -P651 0.107616834467201 T647 -I653 0.0867780465258202 D655 -P660 0.0693918588389083 P651 -F662 0.059713877820492 I653 -F662 0.0557351043768308 D655 -F661 0.0552499589627953 M654 -P660 0.0409362466925604 V642 -I649 0.0358425801581155 P651 -F661 0.0229747885042917 I649 -M654 0.0125384067000676 D655 -F662 0.00497760208021347 D644 -P650 0.00220197927550458 Q645 -E652 -0.00521906030859398 S643 -G648 -0.00593201638546104 Q645 -P651 -0.00739055755860285 S643 -I649 -0.00925411599228276 T647 -M654 -0.0149308392103871 E652 -F662 -0.0158931667496436 I653 -F661 -0.0185801016495768 G648 -M654 -0.04682166060896 I649 -D655 -0.0577328460934365 E652 -I657 -0.0593936243374227 G648 -K656 -0.0757190905539886 P651 -I657 -0.0852824206739582 M654 -E659 -0.0877982794505268 T647 -D655 -0.0959439821698171 G646 -I653 -0.109284774732187 P651 -K656 -0.135677164384573 K656 -F662 -0.159651735912739 Q645 -P650 -0.172564436484882 I657 -F662 -0.194365387286544 S643 -P650 -0.209830751064089 M654 -F662 -0.316937569726491