[Mon Aug 29 16:41:10 2016] >Input file: TMQ9BUB7M1G.pdb >TM segments: 168-174_ 185-193 MAIDEN score = 19.5037 Below is the ranking list of the residue pairs and their related pseudo-energy (the lower, the better). This includes inter-chain residue pairs. The maximum (least favorable) pairwise energy value has been set to 10. See the MAIDEN software article: Postic,G., Ghouzam,Y. and Gelly,J.C. (2015) Biochimie, 115, 155–161. ----------- ---------------- Calpha pair Empirical energy ----------- ---------------- H172 -M187 10 L170 -E190 3.96281730668557 I168 -T193 2.27575824532478 H172 -L188 1.05724079778159 Y171 -T191 0.979506708591941 L170 -M187 0.640630676434993 I168 -E190 0.497592220905462 A174 -N185 0.46327489610003 E173 -M187 0.444581751532865 Y171 -S192 0.394003553051583 H172 -S192 0.390346176495672 L170 -A189 0.36460084141717 L170 -T191 0.299834094602982 H172 -A189 0.295305064141887 Y171 -M187 0.234403141045357 I168 -S192 0.202906597961398 Y171 -L188 0.20103582528408 L170 -S192 0.189886488564066 E173 -A189 0.156721982412633 N185 -E190 0.140919785376984 R169 -T193 0.125204703687941 I168 -L188 0.115111618700237 A186 -S192 0.111999920633665 A174 -A189 0.109618043558157 A174 -A186 0.100517865401638 R169 -M187 0.0962247570437778 L170 -T193 0.076328938744715 E173 -A186 0.0731487269199942 R169 -A189 0.054106716447182 I168 -T191 0.00144606002232983 A174 -E190 -0.0052827050310329 E173 -S192 -0.0111866241072199 R169 -L188 -0.027752952401519 L170 -N185 -0.03518522218068 R169 -T191 -0.0379594566055301 Y171 -T193 -0.0411872430804358 H172 -N185 -0.044774618188999 I168 -M187 -0.0452392185914149 L188 -T193 -0.0725557899853282 M187 -S192 -0.0726055900426066 R169 -E190 -0.0771158295338187 E173 -N185 -0.0772704359996981 N185 -T191 -0.0871867416437273 E173 -T191 -0.0917115854165598 A186 -T191 -0.0922099200553006 H172 -E190 -0.0993704976236758 A174 -L188 -0.102624449660434 E173 -L188 -0.102908839585511 H172 -T193 -0.113302286353787 A174 -M187 -0.126293067696359 H172 -T191 -0.145484671879679 M187 -T193 -0.14770228455391 Y171 -A189 -0.152625319604264 E173 -E190 -0.157323356544048 Y171 -E190 -0.187483593019704 R169 -A186 -0.188504870305978 I168 -A189 -0.201647244982129 H172 -A186 -0.205131156059115 L170 -A186 -0.247551010804599 Y171 -A186 -0.284320797663145 L170 -L188 -0.35841064264298 Y171 -N185 -0.44629130720163 R169 -S192 -0.465148218727239