F-actin-capping protein subunit alpha-1

  • Organism: G. gallus
  • UniProt ID: P13127 (CAZA1_CHICK)
  • Length: 244 aa
  • PDB ID: 3AA6 - Chain B
  • Resolution: 1.9 Å
  • Refinement method: MODELLER
  • ECOD architecture: alpha bundles, a+b two layers, few secondary structure elements

Dynamics properties

  • Minimum TM-score between:
    • Start and final conformations: 0.666
    • Most divergent conformations: 0.677
  • Average RMSF: 1.95 Å
  • Average gyration radius: 19.98 Å

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ECOD domains

ECOD ID PDB delineation UniProt delineation Architecture Possible Homology (X) Homology (H) Topology (T) Family (F)
4030.1.1.2 3-45 3-45 alpha bundles - - alpha-helical domain in subunits of heterodimeric actin filament capping protein Capz F_actin_cap_B_1st
4051.1.1.6 88-244 88-244 a+b two layers - - a+b domain in Capz F_actin_cap_B_3rd
4050.1.1.6 46-87 46-87 few secondary structure elements - - beta-barrel domain in Capz F_actin_cap_B_2nd

CATH domains

CATH ID PDB delineation UniProt delineation Class Architecture Topology Homologous superfamily 3-89 3-89 Mainly Alpha Up-down Bundle Methane Monooxygenase Hydroxylase; Chain G, domain 1 -
3.90.1150.210 90-244 90-244 Alpha Beta Alpha-Beta Complex Aspartate Aminotransferase, domain 1 F-actin capping protein, beta subunit

SCOPe domains


General properties

Replicates overview

Flexibility profile
Gyration radius

Detailed analysis