Urocanate hydratase

  • Organism: P. sp. Soil724D2
  • UniProt ID: A0A0Q9KFZ4 (A0A0Q9KFZ4_9BACL)
  • Length: 546 aa
  • PDB ID: 7NED - Chain A
  • Resolution: 1.9 Å
  • Refinement method: MODELLER
  • ECOD architecture: a+b two layers, a+b two layers, a/b three-layered sandwiches

Dynamics properties

  • Minimum TM-score between:
    • Start and final conformations: 0.913
    • Most divergent conformations: 0.854
  • Average RMSF: 1.08 Å
  • Average gyration radius: 23.33 Å

Downloadable data

ECOD domains

ECOD ID PDB delineation UniProt delineation Architecture Possible Homology (X) Homology (H) Topology (T) Family (F)
321.2.1.1 340-546 340-546 a+b two layers Glutamine synthetase-like - C-terminal domain in urocanase Urocanase_C
4022.1.1.1 2-128 2-128 a+b two layers - - N-terminal a+b domain in urocanase (Pfam 01175) Urocanase_N
2003.1.1.98 129-339 129-339 a/b three-layered sandwiches Rossmann-like Rossmann-related NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold domains Urocanase

CATH domains


SCOPe domains

SCOP ID PDB delineation UniProt delineation Class Fold Superfamily Family
e.51.1.0 1-546 1-546 Multi-domain proteins (alpha and beta) Urocanase Urocanase -

General properties

Replicates overview

Flexibility profile
Gyration radius

Detailed analysis