Sun Protein Blocks

Coding in terms of Protein Blocks : example (2).

XmMol 3D 153l XmMol 3D 153l by PBs

Figure 1. (left) XmMol representation of 153l,

(right) XmMol representation of 153l using superimposed Protein Blocks.

raster 3D 153l raster 3D 153l

Figure 2. (left) raster 3D representation of 153l,

(right) raster 3D representation of 153l.

raster 3D 153l raster 3D 153l by PBs

Figure 3. (left) raster 3D representation of 153l using superimposed Protein Blocks,

(right) raster 3D representation of 153l using superimposed Protein Blocks.

raster 3D 153l and Nter raster 3D 153l and Nter
Figure 4. (left and right) 3D structure of protein 153l in green and in red, the N-ter of 153l,

raster 3D 153l Nter and PBs raster 3D 153l Nter and PBs

Figure 4. (left and right) in red, the N-ter of 153l and the Protein Blocks associated with the first residues.

Last modif : 25 April 2004