Welcome to the help files of J-PBPS

Part D - Distribution of the Neq-values

Local and global prediction strategies.

title hist extremities colors shift - slide run - initial values Neq and strategies prediction rate ranks PBs close Neq range

The screen which appears is a representation of the entropy-based index Neq at all the protein sites. You could see the protein name (1), the histogram of Neq (2) ranging from the beggining (3) to the end (3) of the protein sites. You could modify the colors (4), control the histogram (5), parameter values (6). Two prediction strategies (7) could be chosen. They need the choice of a given prediction rate (8) and for the last of a fixed number of Protein Blocks (9). The results of both approaches could be vizualize in a new frame (10). The Neq values are easely control by the vertical scrollbar (12).

local beq

1. title

the name of the protein.

2. Neq

Distribution of local entropy-based index Neq site per site. Along the X-axis are given the amino acid sequence, the predicted Protein Block and the position of amino acid in the sequence.

At the beggining, the sequence could be represented as three succesive histograms. The use of local or global strategy implies the only use of the first, the second will be the strategy results.


3. extremities

begin and end
The two parameters give the number of the first and the last amino acid seen. They can be changed with the scrollbar or by using the texts. For the last case, push after the run button.


4. colors

choice of the colors
Different colors could be chosen (blue, black, cyan, dark gray, gray, green, light gray, magenta, orange, pink, red, white ,yellow).

5. histogram columns

height and distance of the columns
Using "shift" and "slide", you can control the disposition of the histogram.


6. execution

run - initial values
"run" : to take into account the new values and/or colors.
"initial values" : to come back at the beginning.


7. choices

local Neq and strategies
"Neq evolution": the default option, you see the Neq values.
"Global strategy" : a strategy where you can find the local structures for a given prediction rate a variable number of Protein Blocks (don't forget to check the global strategy section, see summary).
"Local strategy" : a strategy which determines the sites where the local structures can be found for a given prediction rate and fixed number of Protein Blocks (don't forget to check the local strategy section, see summary).

8. prediction rate

given prediction rate
You choose the prediction rate (between 40% and 95%) for the global strategy section and the local strategy section.


9. number of Protein Blocks

bumber of ranks selected
You choose the number of ranks (between 1 and 6) for the local strategy section.


*. Global strategy

The Neq values had shown a relationship between the prediction probabilities and the probability to find the "real" local structure, i.e. the "real" Protein Block is often found with a good score. So, when you've a small Neq, like 1.1, you have a high probability that the true PB is the first. If you have a higher Neq to be sure to have the true PB, you must select the 2 or 3 most probable PB. Hence, we have calibrate this observation and found for a given prediction rate when you have a given Neq how many PBs must be selected (see the example).


*. Local strategy

The Neq values had shown a relationship between the prediction probabilities and the probability to find the "real" local structure, i.e. the "real" Protein Block is often found with a good score. So, when you've a small Neq, like 1.1, you have a high probability that the true PB is the first. If you have a higher Neq to be sure to have the true PB, you must select the 2 or 3 most probable PB. Hence, we have calibrate this observation and for a fixed number of selected PBs, we can see if the Neq is small enough or not. The number of PBs is fixed but not all the sites are selected (see the example). The percents of sites selected is given under the histogram.


*. summary

all the options need for the strategies
Prediction Global Strategy Local Strategy
"Choice : " yes yes yes
"Prediction rate : " no yes yes
"Number of ranks : " no no yes


10. selection

Protein Blocks selected
With the local or the global strategy, you select different Protein Blocks. Push the "PBs" button and you will get those PBs.


11. At the end

Close the window, Bye.

12. Neq values

Neq scrollbar
As seen with the global Neq, the Neq values could be very small. You can with this scrollbar readjust this.


global strategy

Example of local strategy performed for a prediction rate of 65%.


global strategy PBs

Example of the Protein Blocks selected by the local strategy performed for a prediction rate of 65%.


local strategy

Example of global strategy performed for a prediction rate of 75% and 3 Protein Blocks selected. 62.9% of the sites are selected.


local strategy PBs

Example the Protein Blocks selected by the global strategy performed for a prediction rate of 75% and 3 Protein Blocks selected.


Last modif : 25 April 2004